Updated 11.10.22 at 9:36 AM MST
Monica Tranel
2022 Candidate for
U.S. House District 1 West
"Growing up on a ranch in eastern Montana, I understand the value and need to protect our public wildlife, water, and way of life. The outdoors, hunting, fishing, and recreating are part of the fabric that makes us who we are as Montanans and our state the last best place. I’m 100% committed to protecting and defending the public trust doctrine in Congress. Our public lands, waters, fish and wildlife are a public resource, held in trust and managed for the benefit of people now and for future generations, and it should stay that way. Montana is becoming a playground for the rich and I refuse to lose the home that I grew up in, worked for my entire life, and love with my whole heart."
Gary Buchanan
2022 Candidate for
U.S. House District 2 (East)
"Peoples ability to enjoy recreational activities on public lands is part of what makes Montana such a special place to live. I will NEVER support the transfer of federal lands to either state ownership or private hands. Wildfire management and responsible stewardship of the land are critical in my view to protecting Montanans’ birthright. I was awarded a Lifetime National Honorary Trout Unlimited membership and the Montana Wildlife Conservation annual award for my efforts on clean water, and I would continue my record of service in Congress."